Tag: mail marketing
Direct Mailing Advertising: What You Need to Know

Direct Mailing Advertising is an integral part of any marketing plan, but yet often overlooked. Direct Mailing is an effective method to reach your target audience, and provides expanded brand awareness. In this digital age, emails and online ads can get lost in the clutter, or blocked altogether with spam…
Guide To Creating Your Direct Marketing Campaign

If you’ve recently noticed a new market that’s likely to be receptive to your products, services, or cause, you may be thinking that the cost of advertising is too high. Newspaper ads, television spots, radio commercials, and other traditional advertising methods are big investments that can take a while…
Direct Marketing Advertising:101

If you’re looking for effective ways to reach out to new clients or connect with old ones, direct marketing advertising can be one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Unlike more passive forms of marketing, such as television, radio, or newspaper ads, direct advertising specifically, targets individuals or…
Top Direct Mail Company In Chicago
Advantages of Direct Mail

The modern world of technology offers a wide range of options for connecting your organization or business with potential donors or new customers. Email, pay-per-click ads, and search engine optimization can be useful tools, but they’re not likely to compete with the advantages of direct mail any time soon.…
Direct Mailing and Printing Services Wrapped Into One
Campaign Direct Mail- Reach More Voters

Whether you or someone you represent is running for a local council position or a much higher office, getting people that support your campaign out to the polls is crucial for winning elections. Phone banking, email newsletters, online ads, and television spots all have their place in a campaign, but…
Direct Mail Marketing and Email Marketing

When you want your company to connect directly with existing or potential customers, both direct mail marketing and email marketing are effective tactics. Each strategy, however, has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. By knowing where and when to use each method in your advertising campaign, you can make the…
Mailing List Maintenance Help: Get It Right

If your small business or local organization has a mailing list with more than a dozen or so names, you’ve probably realized that maintaining an error-free directory can be a bit difficult. Making sure that your mailing list is filled with current addresses within your target demographic is, however, crucial…